Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Letter to Haven (2)

Dear Haven,

You are almost four months old as I write this. Each night before I lay you in your crib, I look down at you pressed against my chest; your baby doll eyelashes that go on for miles, your tiny fingers balled into a fist over my heart. I could melt when you're in my arms & I'm rocking you & you let out this tiny little sigh as you drift off to sleep.
Every morning as I lean over your crib to see your smiling face, I'm astonished at how much you look like a new person each day. You're changing so quickly & I try to remember you as you are each & every day. I have never before experienced this feeling of wanting to freeze time, yet too curious & excited to see what the next day will hold for you. It is such a delicate balance, wanting you to stay my sweet baby but looking forward to seeing the little girl and then the woman you'll become.

We took our first "road trip" to Columbia to see the Annie Leibovitz photography exhibit, "Pilgrimage". You cried non stop in the car but loved looking at the photos once we were there. You cooed & spoke gibberish most of the time, as if you were telling us what you thought about each photo. You're such a happy baby as long as you're not in your car seat. I love how curious you already are about this great big world. You get so frustrated when you can't see everything that's going on, so most days are spent toting you around over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes so you don't miss a thing.

We have started a new routine each night. You sit in your bouncy chair in the kitchen while I cook dinner & we listen to music. You love a wide variety of music! Jack Johnson is like a lullaby & you fall asleep easily. Creedence Clearwater Revival gets you to dancing - you kick your legs wildly & kind of remind me of Elaine dancing on Seinfeld. When Eric Clapton's version of "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" came on last night, we decided to rename the song "Knockin' on Haven's Door".



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